martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

The Declaration of the ‘Committed Lacanians’

The Declaration of the ‘Committed Lacanians’
Book by Octave Mannoni
Book by Octave Mannoni
BOSTON Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP) knows as stated by Jean Homer  (2005), in Jacques Lacan, that “over 50 per cent of the world’s analysts now employ Lacanian methods”. So, as many of us are “committed Lacanian”, we declare a “Return to Lacan”. The clinical Lacan. Including his necessary intertextual relationship within psychoanalysis and culture. And following an inversion of Octave Mannoni‘s idea (1971) that it it is now necessary to treat Lacan’s theory as he did with Freud’s, “like a thing” (an expression used by Freud himself in a letter to Fliess).

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