lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

A META-STUDY of Psychoanalysis and “The Double Transformative Experience”

Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP)
META-STUDY of Psychoanalysis and “The Double Transformative Experience”
(Founding Act)
Professor Dr. Lacan
Professor Dr. Lacan
“Le psychanalyste ne s’autorise que de lui-même”
Jacques Lacan, “Proposition de 67″
(I) A META-RESEARCH of Jacques Lacan
BOSTON Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP) is designed to study the differences of the  clinical practice of psychoanalysis of Jacques Lacan obtained by his close reading  of the classical practice of psychoanalysis of Sigmund Freud, the so called “Return to Freud”, compare to the practice of the modern psychoanalysis of today. The longitudinal axis of study is Classical Psychoanalysis-Modern Psychoanalysis versus Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
We are as practicing professionals the subject in language of our own research study group. By studying Lacan with Freud we want to confront and look at our own Lacanian, Freudian or Modern practice of psychoanalysis beyond eclecticism. A META-RESEARCH on the writing by understanding our own analysis and analysands, in theory and practice, from the first session to the end of analysis: A research, META-STUDY group.
 We the BOSTON Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP) are interested in the Clinical Lacan: the Lacanian practice psychoanalysis. We want to know why Lacan departed from Ego Psychology of the 30s and 40s using the conjectural theory of linguistic, philosophy, logic, anthropology, mathematics and some other disciplines to recreate Freud and at the same time advancing the practice and theory of contemporary psychoanalysis.
(II) Global Lacanian, iCloud’s & E-Medias
At LPR-SP we are more interested in find out how we can practice a psychoanalysis the we can called Lacanian and to present for publication our studies, reviews, results, dissertation, master’s thesis, papers and findings using the technological and interactive e-medias and i Clouds of today such as: blogs, google (+) and Drive, podcasts, web, Twitter and Facebook pages.  And at the same time organize other reading and study group, colloquy, dialogues, lectures series, cartels, conversations, panels, symposium, congress on and around the practice of Lacanian psychoanalysis in the United States, the Caribbean, Latin America, Europe and around the world. The mission is also to grow into a community of Global Lacanian Psychoanalysts (GLPs) through process education, research, clinical practice and cutting-edge technology of social and interactive communication.
(III) The Simple Jacques Lacan: The Psychoanalyst
Enough of Lacan the difficult theoretician and the obtuse rhetorician! Although one consequence of Lacan’s ideas, according Ross Skelton (1993) in his article Lacan for the faint hearted, “is that rhetoric holds the secret of our very being”. Enough of the complex, obscure, mis-understood and misinterpret Lacan! Besides, as Octave Mannoni(1971) puts it, the style of Jacques Lacan, “It is a style expressly made for psychoanalysts and psychoanalysis”. It is in this sense, because it is for us psychoanalysts, that Lacan became magic, poetry and science, baroque and art, rhetoric and philosophy, the challenge of language and the surprise of words. The intelligent elucidation of the mysteries of the Unconscious discourse of Freud: “A thing” to research, to study and to learn.
In LPR-SP we want to understand the simple Jacques Lacan too: the psychoanalyst who spent more than 36 years of his life in a brilliant seminar in a university, from his private practice, closed to Louis Althusser, Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Levi-Strauss, Jean-Paul Sartre And Simone de Beauvoir, and with the surrealists as friends such as Dali, Picasso (Lacan was his private physician) and Breton, studying the clinical cases and fundamental discourses of Sigmund Freud and in the way transforming the practice and theory of our psychoanalysis that we can called  beyond ourself “the double transformative experience”.
(IV) The Declaration of the ‘Committed Lacanians’
BOSTON Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP) knows as stated by Jean Homer  (2005), in Jacques Lacan, that “over 50 per cent of the world’s analysts now employ Lacanian methods”. So, as many of us are “committed Lacanian”, we declare a “Return to Lacan”. The clinical Lacan. Including his necessary intertextual relationship within psychoanalysis and culture. And following an inversion of Octave Mannoni‘s idea (1971) that it it is now necessary to treat Lacan’s theory as he did with Freud’s, “like a thing” (an expression used by Freud himself in a letter to Fliess).
(V) The ‘Double Transformative Experience’: Jacques Lacan, the Freudian Field and the New Practice of Psychoanalysis.
Our plan is to invite the best reachable Lacanian analysts around us and to recruit also the best interested minds of our students of the Masters and PhDs programs  of our school at Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (BGSP)Student Association and structure a group to study and research the oeuvres and life of Jacques Lacan and  mark his influence in our practice as clinicians, counselors, psychotherapists, analysts in training and as psychoanalysts for the better of our clientele, patients, analysands and our own private practice or work in mental health clinics, hospitals, and other institutions and organizations. And within this context to create this “the double transformative experience” with Jacques Lacan, his Freudian field and the new practice of psychoanalysis. We are the witness of our own transformative experience in the process of education, training and personal psychoanalysis in our school. This return to the Clinical Lacan (“as a Thing”) will give us this “Double Transformative Experience” by going beyond our theoretical and clinically Desire (The comfort zone, the common Lacanian resistance) as practicing clinicians.
(VI) A META-STUDY of psychoanalysis:
Basically, what we are aiming at is the fundamental creation, with this initiative BOSTON Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP), of a META-STUDY of psychoanalysis itself from Sigmund Freud to Jacques Lacan in comparative approach with all sorts of modern psychoanalysis and advance, from the first session to the end of analysis, our knowledge, theory, practice and techniques as clinicians.
(VII) LPR-SG Research and Study Plan 2013-2014:
In this quest we are beginning by simply adopting:
(1) The eight “Guiding Principles of Any Psychoanalytic Act” proposed by the Lacanian psychoanlyst Eric Laurant(read it at:
(2) Studying all Jacques Lacan Ecrits (I and II) and all published Seminars,
(3) Having as fundamental referential texts, the clinical books of two Lacanian psychoanalysts in USA: Bruce Fink (A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique, 1997 and Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners, 2011), Michael J. Miller (Lacanian Psychotherapy: Theory and Practical Applications, 2011) and Dany Nobus (Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis) from London.
(4) Read closely, as clinical witnesses and testaments, all the published cases of Jacques Lacan as recounted by some of his analysands in books published by: Schneiderman, S. (Jacques Lacan: The Death of an Intellectual Hero)1983;Rey, P. (Una Temporada Con Lacan) 1989; Godin (Jacques Lacan, 5, rue de Lille) 1990; Giroud, F. (Leçons particulières) 1990; Milan, B. (El Loro y el Doctor)  1990 and Haddad, G. (El Día Que Lacan Me Adoptó) 2002.
and finally,
(5) To further elucidate our purposes and goals we can also use as a perfect example of a meta-research, the  description of a “Lacanian session” as presented by Ian Parker (2011) in the introduction, The clinic of presence and absence, of her book Lacanian Psychoanalysis Revolutions in Subjectivity, Advancing Theory in Therapy  Series. Routledge. London and New York.
(VIII) Requirements for membership:
All members are required to ONLY have the Desire to participate (in presence or absence) in our meetings. More interest is needed to introduce and discuss readings in our Encounters. An active and motivated member is willing to write and present regularly a minimum of 1 or 2 papers or research reviews per year of his own findings and readings for discussion and for further publications in our established e-medias: LACANCLINIC.COM, Blog, Yahoo Groups, Scribd, pages and webs, and others. Members will become editors (5 papers is needed) and Lacanian Authors (1 paper is sufficient) of our main global communication e-media: LACANCLINIC.COM to freely publish, papers, clinical cases or snapshot of a “Lacanian Session”, articles or assays, any time and from any where. Non members can become contributor, by invitation only, of our LPR-SG-e-Media: LACANCLINIC.COM. Contributor can edit their articles or papers directly but cannot publish them without approval of our editors.
(IX) Trans-linguistic Communication, Location and Technology:
We will hold meetings in our main campus at Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (BGSPStudent Association on every other Friday for 1 or 2 hours in a space and in a specific time TBA. We are also having virtual one-on-one meetings and group meetings using the best technology of or time (Skype, Tango, Gotomeeting, Fuze and others) to communicate our purposes, philosophy, the ethic of psychoanalysis according to Lacan, the states of our movement and to conduct official meetings and teleconferences.  Our way of  communication is trains-linguistic. It is conducted mainly in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French and will include translations and other languages whenever is needed.
LPR-SG Spring 2013 Encounters
 Feb 22, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 1: Feb 22, 2013: Presentation of the “Founding Act”.
March 8, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 2: Discussion of the “Guiding Principles of Any Psychoanalytic Act” by Eric Laurent (1-4).
Book Recommendation: Elisabeth Roudinesco (1990), Jeffrey Mehlman (Translator): Jacques Lacan & Co: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985.
March 15, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 3: Discussion of the “Guiding Principles of Any Psychoanalytic Act” by Eric Laurent (5-8).
Book Recommendation: Elisabeth Roudinesco (1999) Jacques Lacan: An Outline of a Life and History of a System of Thought.
March 22, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 4: A Snapshot of a “Lacanian Session” by Ian Parker
Book Recommendation: Bruce Fink: A Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Theory and Technique, 1997.
April 5, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 5: Introduction to Ecrits I By Jacques Lacan
Book Recommendation: Bruce Fink: Fundamentals of Psychoanalytic Technique: A Lacanian Approach for Practitioners, 2011.
April 19, 2013 on this date Prof. Dany Nobus is a Guest Lecturer @ BGSP
LPR-SG Encounter # 6: Introduction to Ecrits II By Jacques Lacan
Book Recommendation: Dany Nobus Jacques Lacan and the Freudian Practice of Psychoanalysis. And also by Dany Nobus “Knowing Nothing, Staying Stupid: Elements for a Psychoanalytic Epistemology” (2005).
May 3, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 7: The Analysands of Lacan: Schneiderman, S. (Jacques Lacan: The Death of an Intellectual Hero)1983; and Rey, P. (Una Temporada Con Lacan) 1989.
Book Recommendation: Michael J. Miller Lacanian Psychotherapy: Theory and Practical Applications, 2011.
May 10, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 8: The Analysands of Lacan: Godin (Jacques Lacan, 5, rue de Lille) 1990;  and Giroud, F. (Leçons particulières) 1990.
Book Recommendation: Ian Parker (2011) Lacanian Psychoanalysis Revolutions in Subjectivity, Advancing Theory in Therapy  Series. Routledge. London and New York.
May 17, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 9: The Analysands of Lacan: Milan, B. (El Loro y el Doctor)  1990 and Haddad, G. (El Día Que Lacan Me Adoptó) 2002.
May 31, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 10: Introduction to The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Freud’s Papers on Technique (Vol. Book I) and The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis (Vol. Book VII)
June 14, 2013
LPR-SG Encounter # 11: Introduction to The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis (The Seminar of Jacques Lacan , Book 11)
Date TBA
LPR-SG Encounter # 12: Papers, essays, research reviews and publications count. Lacanian Case ( including snapshot of our “Lacanian Sessions”) presentation.
Note: Some Encounters might be presented virtually by teleconference if classes at BGSP are suspended, missed or canceled for any reasons.  LPR-ST also reserve the right to conduct any of its encounter by teleconference in any previously announced date.
Fundamental Tests for Consultation and for the History of Psychoanalysis and Jacques Lacan:
Elisabeth Roudinesco (1990), Jeffrey Mehlman (Translator): Jacques Lacan & Co: A History of Psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985.
Elisabeth Roudinesco (1999) Jacques Lacan: An Outline of a Life and History of a System of Thought.
Essential Dictionaries of Lacanian Psychoanalysis:
Dany Nobus (1981) Key Concepts of Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
Jean Laplanche and Jean-Bertrand Pontalis (1974): The Language of Psycho-Analysis.
Lacanian Psychoanalysis Research Study Group  (LPR-SP)
Faculty Adviser: Dr. Siamak Movahedi (Our Program Director)
1.- Dr. Jorge Piña
2.- Dr. Liao Zhang, President BGSP Student Association
3.- Mr. Adam Ayala, Vice-President BGSP Student Association
4.- Mr. Jon Dzitko
5.- Dr. Joon ho Lee
6.- Ms. Lia A. Roth
7.- Ms. Rebeca Abboud
8.- Ms. Mahrou Zhaf
 LPR-SG Networks & Contacts:
Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (BGSP)
Student Association
1581 Beacon Street, Brookline, MA 02446
The School of Psychoanalysis Love and Work
60 Island Street, Lawrence, MA 01841
LPR-SG-New York:
Hispanic Medical Services of Washington Heights
5030 Broadway Avenue, Suite 620, New York, NY 10034

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